Marine Water Heaters Professionals Suggest These Sail Cleaning Tips

Your Marine Water Heater Analysts Know You Need To Attack All Mildew Stains Very Early

Raritan Engineering would love to share with you this week some amazing tips on how to clean your sails.

Attack mildew stains early. Once they have spread into the fibers, getting rid of the stain is unlikely.
You can clean most sails yourself, but be sure to set aside enough time. You also will need a large work area.
Be aware that some sailcloth materials (Kevlar and nylon in particular) are sensitive to certain substances—chlorine bleach and acetone, to name those most damaging. 
When you've finished cleaning, always rinse the sail liberally with fresh water. And, if you hang your sails to dry, do so at a time when it's not windy. 
Responsible sailboat maintenance includes keeping its parts clean and in good working order. The components work in concert with one another, from the mast to the keel. The sails, when working properly, catch the wind that propels the boat and for this reason should be constantly checked for tears and other damage. 
Step 1: Locate an Appropriate Cleaning Area

In order to properly clean the boat’s sails, you need a large, flat clean area to lay them out on. If there is space on the dock where your boat is moored, that will work provided the sail is kept out of the way. A well-groomed grassy area will work too.

Your Marine Water Heaters Experts Understand the Importance of Having a Large Area to Clean Your Sails On

Step 2: Unfold the Sail

Your marine water heaters specialists know that if the sail is being stowed, remove it from its bag. If it is attached to the mast or the stay, take it down. Bring the sail to the cleaning area and unfold it completely.

Step 3: The Cleaning Products

Because machines are not recommended for cleaning sails, it is best to do it by. It may take a little longer, but it will save the life of the sail. Have a bucket filled with clean, warm water, a bottle of mild liquid detergent and a large sponge.

Step 4: Dilute the Detergent

Dilute the liquid detergent in the bucket of water. Much like washing a car the water should have soap suds, although you do not have to use very much soap concentrate to do the job.

Step 5: Lightly Scrub the Sail

With the sponge, lightly scrub the entire sail. There is no need to clean it vigorously, for cleaning should be a somewhat frequent routine, so it should never get too dirty.

Step 6: Let the Sail Dry 

The sail should be completely dry on both sides before you refold it and stow it. This step is not necessary if you are planning to re-hoist the sail immediately, for it will dry in the wind.

Cleaning the sails is a routine part of sailboat maintenance. A responsible sailor stays on top of their vessel, and no job is considered unimportant. 
Click here and get more information from Raritan Engineering about marine water heaters and all your marine supply needs.


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