
Showing posts from November, 2017

Electric Toilets Professionals Share Great Ways to Get Great Coaching From A Small Budget

Electric Toilet Specialists at Raritan Discuss How to Get More Bang for Your Buck When Getting Lessons   Raritan Engineering your  electric toilets  suppliers would like to share with you these topics we thought would be of interest to you this month regarding great ways to get great coaching from a small budget. Your electric toilets distributors talk about how not everyone can afford to have the top coach – or any coach – help them through their boat handling. Here are a few quick tips that can help you get the most out of your training sessions without shelling out the big bucks. 1.  Have a friend with a powerboat film your boathandling  – Most of us have a friend or two with a powerboat and some free time. One of the easiest ways to get a look at your boat from outside is to enlist the help of a friend.  2. Have your sail trimmers view trim from the powerboat –  As an alternative to video taping your setup (or in addition to, depending on how much patience your friend

Macerating Toilet Specialists Discuss Why Many People Love Daysailers

Your Macerating Toilet Distributors Talk About Finding the Ideal Daysailer for You  Raritan Engineering your  macerating toilet  suppliers would like to share with you these topics we thought would be of interest to you this month regarding why many people love daysailers. How would you describe the ideal daysailer? Or a daysailer at all for that matter? Your macerating toilet manufacturer talks about how the basic concept is simplicity itself. And yet, over the years the term “daysailer” has come to include boats spanning the length and breadth of yacht design. Even the proper length of a daysailer, an aspect of small-boat design that might seem self evident, has become a subject of debate, as the “daysailer” concept has come to include boats with LOAs of 40 feet or more. Recently, in a vain effort to impose some order on the concept, we decided to break up the universe of daysailers into six categories. Bring on the letters to the editor! We’d love to know what

Toilet Macerator Suppliers Discuss How to Find the Best Broker to Help Sell Your Boat

Raritan Toilet Macerator Manufacturers Give Great Tips for Finding a Trustworthy Broker When Selling Your Boat Raritan Engineering  your toilet macerator professionals would like to share with you this week some great information regarding how to find the best broker to help you sell your boat. However, for those who are looking to get the best price for their boat with minimal effort, a broker is usually a more sensible choice. Before you choose a broker, here are some things to consider. • A broker’s fee is always 10 percent upon the sale of the boat, but some offer more services than others for the same price. Brokers asking you for funds up front should be immediately discounted. • Responsiveness. How quickly a broker responds to your inquiry is indicative of how they will respond to potential buyers. Give them 24 hours, and move on if they don’t respond or if they make excuses as to why they didn’t respond promptly.  • Marketing. All brokers have access to Yacht Wo

Boat Toilets Distributors Discuss How to Beat Waterline Staining

Your Boat Toilets Suppliers Share Great Ways to Remove Pesky Waterline Stains Raritan Engineering  your boat toilets manufacturers would like to share with you this week some great information regarding how to beat waterline staining. Summer is here, and our routine maintenance chores now require some serious elbow grease. Our first impulse is to go for the super-strength acids that will take care of the hard growth as well as the stains.  Over the years,  Practical Sailor  has reviewed several eco-friendly products that do a good job of descaling heat exchangers and removing barnacles. Barnacle Buster from Trac Ecological ( Practical Sailor  May 2007) and Rydlyme Marine from Apex Engineering ( Practical Sailor  March 2008) both dissolve calcium carbonate, the main ingredient in lime scale and shell. Other products like Star brite Zebra Mussel and Barnacle Remover or MaryKate On & Off deal with shell and scale well, but they contain stronger concentrations of hydrochlor

Marine Heads Professionals Share Great Winter Fishing Spots

Your Marine Heads Specialists Talk About Some Great Ways to Get Your Fishing Fix During Winter Raritan Engineering your  marine heads  suppliers would like to share with you these topics we thought would be of interest to you this month regarding how to find some great winter fishing spots. For hardcore anglers, myself among them, just about any fishing is better than none at all. It's not even necessarily a matter of traveling to a warmer climate. It's the fishing, which is why I sometimes toss piles of fleece and Gore-Tex into the truck and head for a winter steelhead river, where I can wade happily for hours and cast along the edges of icy slush.  Winter is also an opportune time to fish those places you've always wanted to try or for those species that have always fascinated you. Some years back, I fished with a longtime Florida bass guide who confessed in a quiet moment that his lifelong dream was to go tarpon fishing.  Here are 15 top winter fishing desti

Marine Toilet Specialists Talk About How Boating Could Boost Your Health

Raritan Marine Toilet Distributors Give Great Reasons to Fit More Boating Into Your Schedule   Raritan Engineering your  marine toilet  suppliers would like to share with you these topics we thought would be of interest to you this month regarding how boating could boost your health. Your marine toilet manufacturers talk about how boat trips are just plain good for the soul. The sense of peace and tranquility that can be restored to you while gently rocking on the waves is undeniable. Although, if you need more reasons to take a boat trip, or are trying to convince someone else why a boat trip is well worth the time, look no further. Boat trips create bonding experiences with family and friends. The lasting memories you can make while on a boat trip are priceless. Think about watching a sunset on the water with your best friends, fishing for bluegill with your kids, or admiring the wildlife.   A day in the sun allows our bodies to soak up a safe amount of Vi

Boat Head Professionals Discuss the Great Benefits of Using Baitcasters

Your Boat Head Specialists Share All the Pros of Switching to a Baitcaster   Raritan Engineering your  boat head  manufacturers would like to share with you these topics we thought would be of interest to you this month regarding the great benefits of using baitcasters. Your boat head suppliers talk about how preference for reel type varies by coastal region, but no matter where you fish, it’s hard to beat a baitcaster for pinpoint accuracy. Baitcasters necessitate touch and feel that’s simply not required with spinning reels. Get past that small snag and you’ll notice levelwind baitcasters excel in lure-casting distance, accuracy with lighter offerings and even lure retrieves that require jerking actions. A couple of fishing “hacks” to consider: If you have the dexterity, try cutting out some steps by casting with your left hand and reeling with your right. And if turning the handle on the right side of the reel — or working a lure with your left hand — proves too cum

Thru Hull Fittings Distributors Talks About Which Anti-Freeze Could Be Best For You

Your Thru Hull Fittings Suppliers Share Tips to Consider Before Buying Your Next Batch of Anti-Freeze Raritan Engineering  your thru hull fittings professionals would like to share with you this week some great information regarding which anti-freeze could be best for you and your boat. There’s nothing like buying several $3 bottles of antifreeze to protect your $30,000 boat, then coming home to discover the unused bottles frozen solid in your garage. The onset of winter always brings queries about the effectiveness of certain anti-freeze concoctions. A couple years back we got a letter from Mark Baldwin, owner of a Seasprite 34,  Ella , in Blue Hill, Maine. It just so happened that when Mark’s query arrived, we were in the middle of testing various antifreeze formulas for their effectiveness.  Uni-Gard pink is listed as having 25- to 35-percent propylene glycol, which should provide the -50-degree burst protection claimed on the bottle.  If, however, there is a lot of

Macerating Toilet Specialists Share Great Reasons for Getting Your Immunizations Before Sailing Away

Your Macerating Toilet Distributors Why Immunizations Are Crucial Before Heading Out On Your Cruising Excursion Raritan Engineering your  macerating toilet  manufacturers would like to share with you these topics we thought would be of interest to you this month regarding great reasons why you should be getting your immunizations before going out on your sailing excursion.  Your macerating toilet experts discuss how immunization can be an inconvenient detail in preparation for a long voyage, but it is crucial in order to ensure a safe and healthy one. The correct immunization depends on your health, medical history and destination. Immunizations exist for two reasons: * To protect you from illness when you are exposed to harmful bacteria or viruses for the first time. Different cultures, fun as they may be, have different disease factors not found in North America. * To protect populations at risk from contracting an illness brought in by you. Factors in choosing appropri

Raritan Engineering Experts Share Great Tips for Foiling Beginners

Your Raritan Engineering Professionals Talk About How to Improve Your Foiling Skills Raritan Engineering  would like to share with you these topics we thought would be of interest to you this month regarding some great tips for foiling beginners. Your Raritan Engineering experts talk about how the development of the all-new TF10 foiling trimaran continues as it seeks to be provide a flying experience to sailors of all skill levels – and not just experts. Here is an update on the project from Thijs van Riemsdijk of DNA Performance Sailing. The 36-foot long racing sailboat is versatile and exciting in all weather, easily sailing at 2-3 times the wind speed in lighter air and comfortably flying along at 25-30 knots in stiffer breeze. “As a group, we knew we wanted something that pushed the boundaries of what is possible in foiling boat design, and it looks like the designers and builders have created something completely unique and exceptional,” said Dr. Malcolm Gefter, owner