Marine Toilet Manufacturers Give Great Tips for Securing Your Engine

boat behind a fence

Your Marine Toilet Experts Discuss the Best Ways to Keep Your Engine Safe Longer

Raritan Engineering your marine toilet professionals would like to share with you these topics we thought would be of interest to you this month regarding how to secure your boat engine.
Your marine toilet specialists talk about how outboard-engine thefts have increased in the last six months, particularly in the Southeast and mid-Atlantic regions. Keeping your boat at home in the backyard represents of one best security steps you can take.
Unlike boat hulls, outboards are not registered with state departments of motor vehicles, so they prove difficult, if not impossible, to track, Yearn points out. That makes outboards well-suited to the black market.
Prevention Is Key
Since the chances of ­recovering a motor dwindle from slim to none once it’s stolen, the key lies in prevention. But how can you protect your outboards?
Based on tips from Gilbert and others in the marine and insurance industries, here are five ways to prevent outboard thievery. Use as many of these suggestions as possible to thwart the efforts of nefarious types.
Keeping Boat at Home
Storing your trailer boat at your place of residence, behind a locked gate, offers the greatest security. Even when you’re not home, friendly neighbors can help keep an eye on your place and notify police of suspicious activity. One important tip: Avoid posting on social media that your family’s on vacation or otherwise not home. That can tip off opportunistic thieves to an easy target.
Keeping Boat at a Storage Yard
If you’re forced to store your boat at a yard (many of which are part and parcel of boat dealerships) or in a dry rack at a marina, look for security measures aside from a fenced perimeter, locks on the gates and razor wire atop the walls. 
Parking the stern of your trailer boat close to a block wall or building makes it difficult for thieves to steal the motor.
How to Park Your Trailer Boat
The way you park your trailer boat matters. If possible, back the boat up to a concrete building or solid block wall so there’s little room for bagmen to maneuver around the transom. Don’t back up to a chain-link or wooden fence on the property line, as thieves will quickly cut through these meager defenses.
See your choice of marine toilets here with us at Raritan Engineering, where we always take care of your marine sanitation supply needs.
Benefits of Outboard-Motor Lock
A McGard outboard-motor lock (about $28) represents cheap insurance. It threads over one of the transom bolts to serve as a mounting nut, and only a specially keyed socket wrench can remove it. Otherwise, the cylinder around the lock spins freely, even in the fierce grip of a pair of channel-lock pliers.
Electronic Security for Boat
Companies such as GOST, Siren Marine and SPOT offer the ability to monitor your boat and motors around the clock with onboard sensors (both wired and wireless) that connect to apps on your smartphone, tablet or computer.
These systems offer tracking devices which can be hidden under the hood of your outboard. It activates with movement and alerts you via text and email, then uses satellite technology to track the location of the outboard.
Electronic security systems, such as those from Siren Marine, can alert you via a mobile device if someone tampers with your boat.
False alarms from animals, such as guard dogs and foraging raccoons, plague some systems using motion detectors, but adjusting the sensitivity can resolve this issue. Siren, for example, calibrates its motion sensors according to body mass. “This allows it to distinguish between humans and smaller creatures to eliminate false alarms,” Harper says.
Sensors can also take the form of pull-switch cables connected to motors or other valuable onboard equipment. Disconnecting or cutting the cable activates the sensor. These can be placed in small, common items, such as canvas snaps that activate when someone unbuttons the boat cover.
Put these security measures to work in and around your boat to protect yourself from becoming a victim amid the rising number of outboard thefts.

Cajun Navy rescuer says looters shot at them, tried to steal boats

Texas National Guard and Texas Task Forces have rescued an additional 10 people follow hurricane Harvey via hoist on Blackhawks toda
HOUSTON — A rescuer for the famed Louisiana Cajun Navy says looters tried to steal their boats and fired shots at them while they were trying to save Houston residents from flooded homes.
Clyde Cain told CNN that a boat broke down, and while the crew sought shelter in a delivery truck, people tried to steal the inoperable boat.
“They’re making it difficult for us to rescue them,” he said. “You have people rushing the boat. Everyone wants to get in at the same time. They’re panicking. Water is rising.”
The Cajun Navy initially made the announcement in a Facebook post Monday afternoon, but the post was later removed.
“There’s looters out here, as in any time you have a natural disaster or catastrophe,” Cain said. “We’re OK.”
Because of the hostile responses, the Cajun Navy has been forced to halt some rescue attempts, Cain said.
Citizens with boats in Texas get to work after Harvey to ‘go try to save some lives’.
The Cajun Navy formed a year ago amid historic, devastating floods in the Baton Rouge and Acadiana areas.
It’s a group of men and women who own boats and go out into flooded areas to help stranded people and perform other disaster relief services.
They  mobilized over the weekend as Houston and surrounding areas began to experience devastating floods.
Earlier Monday, WGNO spoke with Houston resident Tasha Seeb, who used to live in New Orleans.
She’s been running a Cajun Navy dispatch center from her Houston home ever since she had to swim home Saturday night. Here’s what she had to say about the heroic rescues:
So don't forget these great tips on how to keep your boat engine safe. 1) Storing your trailer boat at your place of residence, behind a locked gate, offers the greatest security;  2) If possible, back the boat up to a concrete building or solid block wall so there’s little room for bagmen to maneuver around the transom;  and 3) think about investing in a security system.
Purchase your marine items here at Raritan Engineering. We are always your #1 expert in all marine sanitation supply needs.


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