Boat Cleaning Products Distributors Share Great Ideas of Getting Rid of That Nasty Smell On Your Boat

Your Boat Cleaning Products Experts Talk About the Secret to Removing That Horrible Smell Onboard

Raritan Engineering your boat cleaning products specialists would like to share with you this week some great information regarding how to remove that nasty smell from your boat. 
We’ve had a lot of fun with toilets and sanitation systems in the last couple of years, and after last weekend, when I descended into the smelliest brokerage boat I’d ever set foot on, I thought I’d revisit some of our findings here. The good news is that a stinky head is curable. The better news is that it need not cost you an arm and a leg. 
Odor control doesn’t necessarily start at the marine head (hoses are often the chief culprit), but that seems like the logical place to start. A big step toward reducing head odors is to use fresh water for flushing. Salt water is alive with microscopic critters that add to the odor problem when they die and decay in your holding tank. 
The newer electric toilets we tested also cut down on water usage, and just as importantly, they help clear the hose better with their high-velocity flushes. These heads use a high-speed centrifugal “Vortex” pump, which has a unique convex rotor and a funnel-shaped casing or volute that converts kinetic energy into pressure.

Your Boat Cleaning Products Professionals Discuss Easy Ways to Keep Your Boat Smelling Great

Your boat cleaning products suppliers talk about how akin to a common bilge pump, the centrifugal pump has a set of curved blades on a rotor. The fast-spinning rotor creates a change in pressure that can quickly push a slug of liquid through the system, using very little water and making far less noise than the earlier renditions.
However, you have to be wary about what you add. Our recent test of joker valves—the essential valve that1 prevents backflow from the holding tank and helps create the vacuum for flushing—demonstrated that some products used for cleaning, deodorizing, and winterizing heads can shorten the valve's life. If you’re serious about controlling head odors, you will watch what you put in your head and replace this valve every year. It is the most important valve in the system.
Too often, sailors accept head odors as an inevitable side-effect of having a holding tank. But with a little extra effort you can escape the stink.

Rescuers in Houston hauled 21 adorable dogs to safety in a single boat

After Hurricane Harvey, a group of good Samaritans came to the rescue of dozens of good dogs.
Houston resident Betty Walter found herself stranded in flood waters in the wake of the storm. She was also sheltering 21 dogs (some of which belonged to her neighbors) and wasn't sure how they would all get to safety.
Luckily, the dog rescue crew came along. They loaded all 21 dogs on the boat — Walter walked alongside — and hauled everyone away.
"I was worried there was too many dogs on the boat and it would tipped [sic] over," Walter wrote in a Facebook post. "I told them I would stay behind and for them to make 2 trips. They said NO we are taking all and you. We had 21 dogs on this boat."
To get out, the humans had to slog through water higher than her head, she added.
Eventually, Walter and all 21 took shelter at a crew member's house in nearby Kemah, Texas. At the time of writing, they were all doing fine.
Keep in mind these pointers when getting rid of that nasty smell. 1) Odor control doesn’t necessarily start at the marine head;  2) A big step toward reducing head odors is to use fresh water for flushing;  and 3) salt water could be the problem.
Click here and find more information regarding boat cleaning products here at Raritan Engineering, where we always take care of your marine sanitation supply needs. 


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