Marine Parts Source Experts Ask, “Is Sailing Really That Difficult?”

Your Marine Parts Source Specialists Know That Sailing Season Is Upon Us 

Raritan Engineering Company your marine parts source analysts would like to share with you these topics we thought would be of interest to you this month regarding the question, “is sailing really that difficult?”

Your marine products for sale specialists know that fall appears to finally be upon us. As I write, the temperature is not in the 80s, the sky is overcast and the trees are shedding their leaves, finally. I am still buzzing after sailing the foiling cats at the Red Bull Foiling Generation 'go for a sail' event last Monday. 

Halloween, cleaning up after Halloween, Veterans Day…really, go and check out Warrior Sailing. Think you're having a bad hair day? Honestly, this is a fantastic, real way to really thank these men and women for their service. 

Then there is Thanksgiving, shopping, Christmas present wrapping, New Year's Eve and related hangover recovery, skiing, and maybe Key West for some. It's going to be a pretty normal kind of life for those of us who are not Warrior Sailors or asthmatics, right?

On November 6, 2016, 29 sailors from 10 countries get underway in what really is the world's toughest sailing race. It is a race that makes all others pale in comparison, and pretty much any other 'sporting' activity too.  

Since a lot of racing experts are looking for marine supplies near me those professionals say that in the U.S., for those who recognize the name, the Vendée likely is regarded as one of those loony French, anti-social, single-handed races. Well, two out of three.  

The fact that the Vendée is hard, requires a special kind of mentality and approach, has many technical requirements and related difficulties that need to be managed, sometimes alone in very difficult circumstances, needs a team and leaders to make it all happen…well, these are the attributes companies say they want in their employees. 

Your Marine Parts Source Professionals Caution That It's Not As Easy As It Looks

You can find more information on marine products as well as get assistance on marine heads at Raritan Engineering.

Your marine heads experts know that a native of Boston, MA, Rich Wilson is unique in this edition due to his age, his physical condition, and his goal. This is his second Vendée Globe to be sure, but there are three other entrants embarking on their second and five skippers doing their fourth. 

Sailing isn't simple. Done well, it might be among the most complex pastimes we might select. True, almost anyone can learn to tail a winch, raise a mainsail, or tie a figure-8. 

I sail with teachers. My wife (who manages the pit), our headsail trimmer, and one of our bow crew are all teachers.

Teachers make great sailing mates, partly because they have summers off. More importantly, they understand how people learn. We often apply best classroom practices to sailing as a team, so that every member can learn and achieve. We have pre-sail goal-setting chats. 

The point is that it is possible to offer an ideal environment for developing confidence, building skills and then mastering sailing's complexities, but it requires more than rote steps. 

I like to describe it as mentor-led immersion; like learning a language by moving to the country of origin, but having someone who speaks your tongue available in a pinch. Your marine supplies San Diego understand that it takes work to make and keep something like this going, but it's worth it for everyone.

As a rule, sailing is dynamic; every moment potentially different from the previous or the next. It's an exercise in free-form adaptability, best guesses and finesse informed by past experience and better judgement. 

Many sailing programs have gone wildly overboard in terms of structure. Youth sailing is often about repetition and routine, since the only long range vision is an olympic berth where lottery probabilities apply. 

Think these ideas might be impossible? Can't insure them? Can't convince the board? Can't find the volunteers? Not the way you've always done it? Not sanctioned? Sure, change is hard, and that's the point. Sailing is hard too, but it's within reach and it's always worth it.

The right thing to do is often the hard thing to do.

Raritan Engineering has more information as your marine parts source regarding marine heads.

via How Tough Can Sailing Be?

via Sailing Is Hard. That's Why It's Good


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