Marine Parts Experts Encourage You to Bring Your Pets Along For The Ride

Your Marine Parts Specialists Understand The Need For Pet Lovers to Bring Them On Board 

Raritan Engineering Company your marine parts analysts would like to share with you these topics we thought would be of interest to you this month regarding the steps needed in order to bring your pets along with you on sailing trips. 

Who wouldn’t want to take their favourite furry friend on their nautical travels? Your marine parts experts know that it can be done, just make sure you comply with the rules and regulations and are fully prepped to take pets on board before you leave

Your marine products distributors professionals agree that boating with pets on board can be a truly fantastic experience. Who wouldn’t want to take their favourite furry friend on their nautical travels? 


Before you set sail, there are strict rules with which you must comply in order to keep your pet firmly on deck.

When travelling with animals you are obliged to meet the requirements from the country you’re going to and leaving from.

Make sure to have the following items:

  • A microchip

  • A rabies vaccination (you must wait 21 days from the date of the vaccination before travelling)

  • A pet passport or third country official veterinary certificate

  • A tapeworm treatment (only for dogs)

Your Marine Parts Professionals Remind You That Each Country Has Different Requirements for Pets

Go to for all of your marine parts needs for your trip.

When entering the UK from any country not included in the list of EU and non-EU countries your pet needs:

  • A microchip

  • A rabies vaccination

  • A blood test (the vet must take the sample at least 30 days after the rabies vaccination, and the vet must give you a copy of the test results, showing that the vaccination was successful)

Winston Churchill bends to stroke Blackie, ship's cat on HMS Prince of Wales, 1941


  • A lifejacket for dogs is very useful. Your marine products pro shop analysts know that most come with a handle to help you pull your pet out of the water if he goes in the drink

  • Your marine parts specialists also recommend that you be sure to close hatches to the engine room and other small nooks you don’t want a pet to explore

  • Familiarising your pet with the boat before you set sail is a good idea, so they are not scared or confused when you get going

  • Be sure to make the tender floor claw-proof to avoid punctures

  • For heavy dogs, harnesses or winch systems are available

What to pack

  • Your marine products international experts want to make sure that you pack plenty of bedding – a soggy salty bed will smell after a few days so spares will be handy

  • A doggie lifejacket

  • Plenty of towels for absorbing the post-swim seawater

  • Collar and lead, with waterproof ID tag

So don't forget these helpful reminders when considering if you want to bring your pets with you while sailing. Make sure your pet 1) has a microchip;  2) a rabies vaccination;  3) a pet passport or third country official veterinary certificate; and 4) a tapeworm treatment (if you're bringing a dog).

Raritan Engineering Company is your marine parts source for all your boating needs.

via Pets on board: sailing with your furry friends


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