Marine Sanitation Device Experts Keep You Safe While Boating and Playing 'Pokemon Go'

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Your Marine Sanitation Device Specialists Share These Helpful Safety Tips

Raritan Engineering Company your marine sanitation device professionals would like to share with you these topics we thought would be of interest to you this month regarding safety while playing Pokemon Go on your boating trips.

Your marine sanitation device experts know that there is a Pokemon Go “gym” next to the BoatUS buoy at the recreational boating association's national headquarters in Alexandria, Va.

The reality game-meets-exercise-app Pokemon Go now has 21 million users every day and BoatUS is issuing safety tips for people who want to find Pokemon on the water.

Your fast marine sanitation device analysts know that the game has players capturing creatures called Pokemon in the real world, using a combination of GPS and augmented reality.

BoatUS is issuing these tips for playing Pokemon Go while boating:

Be aware: Your marine septic systems professionals understand that the Coast Guard reports operator inattention as one of the five main contributing factors in accidents. When searching for a “water type” of Pokemon, such as Magikarp, on a waterway, let the first mate or friend handle the cellphone while the captain keeps a safe lookout.

Your Marine Sanitation Device Analysts Help You Conserve Battery Power

You can find more information as well as get assistance on boat cleaning products and on how to stay safe while playing Pokemon Go on your boating trips at Raritan Engineering.

Your boat cleaning products specialists understand you must watch cellphone battery use: Users report that the game eats up a smartphone's battery charge, and the app only works if it's open. BoatUS recommends bringing a spare charger.

Clearly, you want to “catch them ell.” But you probably also want to stay safe and be respectful of the real world as you explore the augmented reality of “Pokemon GO.”

Here's a list of other etiquette and safety tips while you're on your quest:

1. Your marine sewage systems experts know that this may seem obvious, but…. do not play “Pokemon GO” while driving. In a statement, AAA Mid-Atlantic is warning that distracted driving results in at least 3,000 deaths per year, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. And using handheld electronics while driving is illegal in Maryland, AAA Mid-Atlantic said.

2. Avoid suspicious locations, the Better Business Bureau (BBB) advised. To avoid potentially dangerous situations, make sure that people can see you if you're playing at night, and be aware of strangers, Prince William County Police said.

3. Do not trespass while playing, Prince William County Police tweeted. The BBB said one man reported that his house was listed as a “PokeStop,” where players can collect free items in the game. 

So don't forget these helpful pointers on how to stay safe while playing Pokemon Go on your boating trips. 1) Be aware: The Coast Guard reports operator inattention as one of the five main contributing factors in accidents;  2) watch cellphone battery use: Users report that the game eats up a smartphone's battery charge, and the app only works if it's open;  and 3) avoid suspicious locations.

Raritan Engineering has more information on marine sanitation device, boat cleaning products, marine holding tanks, and how to stay safe while playing Pokemon Go on your boating trips.

via BoatUS offers Pokemon Go safety tips for boaters

via PokeManners: 8 Tips for Safety and Etiquette While Playing 'Pokemon GO'


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