Marine Hardware Specialists Show You The Best Way to Secure Your Boat

Your Marine Hardware Experts Know the Importance of Keeping Intruders Away

Raritan Engineering Company your marine hardware analysts would like to share with you these topics we thought would be of interest to you this month regarding the best way to keep your boat secure.

Your marine hardware professionals know that open hatches, absent owners, and expensive electronics can all make your boat vulnerable to thieves. Luckily, there are a myriad of products now available to stave off intruders.

My first boat security system cost around 10 bucks. It came from RadioShack and wasn't just for boats. Two little components were fastened to my hatch and hatch frame with sticky tape. 

Types Of Systems

Simplistically put, notification of alarm events can be at three different levels.

  • Local alarm only: alerts those onboard or on a nearby pier that there's an alarm event.

  • Remote communication: alerts a distant owner or monitoring center via cell phone or satellite, using text, voice, or email.

  • Interactive: systems that allow owner to effect responses.

The last two require an appropriate communications capability on your boat - either cellular or other Internet access device, and/or a satellite communications device. These may be a part of the system you purchase. 

Types Of Sensors

Systems can utilize multiple sensors, depending on what you wish to monitor and how much you're willing to pay. The sensor is the device that detects an alarm event, then communicates via the system to a local alarm or monitoring service or owner.

We're all familiar with high-water, fire, and intrusion sensors. But even these have different levels of sophistication. For example, there are sensors not just for high water but also for irregular bilge-pump cycles, which would indicate future flooding.

The information “sensed” must be effectively communicated. Do you want just a bilge alarm that sets off a horn so that those at the dock know you've got a problem, or do you want it to let you know even if you're on another continent? 

Talking Back

When you can respond to your boat, you can do things such as turn on floodlights. This is handy for scaring off boarders and also handy when you're going to arrive at the marina after dark.

Some Sample Options

The following examples may help determine what is appropriate for you. Product options and prices change frequently. There are additional choices not represented here. Be sure that your product will have stable and long-term support. Get it in writing.

The Classic

Keypad, wireless, 2 door/hatch sensors, 4 programmable zones for up to 24 sensors. Remote-control key fob. 110-dB siren built into control panel. 12-volt, backup batteries included. Basic system sounds an intruder alarm; no remote capability.

Basic Phone-Based Two-Way Connection

The GSM Marine Guardian 

Wireless, GSM antenna, sensors for water level and power loss; additional sensors available. Remote-control key fob.

Go to and see how you can find more information as well as get assistance on marine hardware and on the best way to secure your boat at Raritan Engineering.

Capabilities: Basic system sends an alert to your cell phone for high water or lost power; can reach you as long as it has cell phone service; alerts can be sent to 3 phone contacts; can disarm, update, view event history and status via Internet.

The Tricked Out Solution

Tracking, Geo-Fence, wireless sensors, and relays. Wireless key fob arm/disarm and relay control. Geo-Fence and full system arm/disarm from website, and global-relay control. 

Before You Buy

Your marine hardware specialists know that once you've decided what you want to know and how you want to be notified, it's important to consider how the systems work on your boat. Quality is always important, but particularly so in a marine environment. 

Other issues include attention to details of sensitivity. Motion sensors within a cabin can be helpful, but not if they're going to pick up a curtain swaying as the boat moves. And most boats at one point or another may pick up a cockroach or two, or a rodent. A motion sensor must be oriented and programmed to sense only alarm events, not normal boating occurrences.

Do Your Homework

To learn more about specific products, use a search engine such as Google and enter “boat security systems” and similar terms. You'll be amazed at the choices and range of prices..

For peace of mind knowing that your boat is safely located in its slip, the technology is now here to monitor your boat from afar. If you decide to take advantage of that technology, you can tailor it almost precisely to your needs. 

So don't forget these helpful pointers when securing your boat from intruders. 1) You have a wide variety of options at your disposal, so do your research;  2) always go for quality, instead of just price;  and 3) ask the right questions when making your purchase.

Click here and see how Raritan Engineering has more information on marine hardware and on the best way to secure your boat from intruders.

via Boat Security Systems


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