Marine Sanitation Device Professionals Take a Close Look at Ethanol Gas

Your Marine Sanitation Device Experts Recommends Considering a Switch to Ethanol Gas
3101 SW Second Ave.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33315
Phone: 1-954-525-0378

Raritan Engineering Company your marine sanitation device specialists would like to share with you these topics we thought would be of interest to you this month regarding whether or not to switch to ethanol gas.

It's time we get to the bottom of how E10 is affecting our engines.

Your marine sanitation device analysts know that in the few years since ethanol began to be widely used in the United States, a lot has been written about its properties, the problems it's created, and how to best cope with its possible effects. Some of the advice has been based on science, some on hearsay.

Myth #1: Ethanol-enhanced gasoline (E10) loses octane much faster than regular gasoline.

Your Marine Sanitation Device Experts Recommends Considering a Switch to Ethanol Gas


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