Boat Parts Online Specialists Give You Marine Fire Extinguisher Training
Your Boat Parts Online Experts Equip You to Fight Those Unexpected Fires…;
(305) 681-7893
Stainless Marine your boat parts online professionals would like to share with you these topics we thought would be of interest to you this month regarding properly using a marine fire extinguisher.
Your boat parts online analysts know that whether it's because of the tight quarters on a boat, or the sense of isolation and distance from help – fire has to be one of the greatest fears for mariners.
Marine-rated fire extinguishers are designed for the marine environment. Extinguishers are further rated by the amount of chemical and by the type of fire they're designed to fight. A simple rule of thumb is that class A fires are solids, class B fires are liquids, and class C fires are energized electrical fires. For example, a “BC” extinguisher is designed to fight either a liquid or electrical fire.
Our testing involved the observation of both experienced and inexperienced volunteers attempting to put out various types of fires. Volunteers were presented with a typical boating scenario consisting of either a class A or class B fire, and an extinguisher, and told to put the fire out – with no preliminary training.
Your Boat Parts Online Experts Equip You to Fight Those Unexpected Fires…;
(305) 681-7893

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