How Boat Dealers Can Show Off Their Expertise In the Media
Your Marine Sanitation Device Weekly Tip
He said despite the field, you must be viewed as the most knowledgeable individual in the area.
"You've got to be the guru of whatever you're doing," said Bilas. "You want to be called the place to buy a boat.".
Your sewage treatment plants specialists agree with Bilas, who routinely receives local, national and international TV coverage, stated creating brand recognition by means of the media could drive a brand much better than conventional advertising and marketing ever could. Reaching individuals in their homes while they're engaged is priceless. You can find more information as well as get assistance on this topic and marine sanitation devices at
Drumming up coverage, however, takes a little bit of legwork or a good network.
The first thing is locating the story. TV stations, local papers and local magazines are often starving for a fun angle or intriguing interview.
"For your business, you want to think about what's interesting about yourself," said Bilas. "But that's tough for some people.".
He said that even people that avoid the spotlight have an interesting story.
"I think everyone has a story," stated Bilas, noting that a friend or family member may have a different perspective and can help find that story.
The second step is locating coverage. Sales-focused industry individuals might find this component very simple.
"I contact them individually," stated Bilas.
A simple phone call or email to a producer or editor is in some cases all it takes. As a former journalist, Bilas said he knows all too well the struggle of a slow news day.
Your boat cleaning products expert suggests that if that doesn't work, leveraging that network may open more doors.
"Look for people you already know who might be connected-- somebody knows somebody," stated Bilas. "That's the best way to get in; unless you have a good PR agency, the best way to get in is look for someone who knows someone on the inside.".
Once those wheels are greased, a fast pitch or informal presentation can keep things moving.
Despite the story, after that it's looking the part of the professional; which will be easy to business owners in the industry. Oh, and don't forget the logo.
"I'm very conscious about my logo," said Bilas. "I wear it on my shirts, so if I do a TV segment, my logo is right there. It gives you added value to any promotion you do.".
After the interview, company profile or fluff piece, ensure you hold on to that coverage.
"The first thing I did was I've kept my history," said Bilas. "So if I want to show my longevity, I can show them a link from when I was on TV back in '87. Showing it to you is 100 times stronger than saying it.".
Take an afternoon and consider all of the various things your business does a little differently-- odds are a hungry journalist will think it's interesting too. Bask in the free exposure and demonstrate your professional status to all those potential clients that might tune out traditional advertising and marketing. So don't forget these helpful reminders on how you can show off your expertise in the media....1) work at keeping your brand strong; 2) be mindful of skillful positioning; and 3) don't underestimate story development in your articles. Click here for more information on how boat dealers can show off their expertise in the media, marine sanitation devices, sewage treatment plants, and boat cleaning products. via Show your expertise in the media via Team Profile: Ben Ainslie Racing
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