10 Awesome Things to Remember When Reaching Out to Consumers

Your Vancouver SEO Company's Weekly Tip

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Website Marketing Pros, Canasia, your best web design company would like to share with you these topics we thought would be of interest to you this month regarding 10 awesome things to remember when reaching out to your consumers.
Its time to remind the leaders of marketing departments that they're consumers, too and as such they need to care about consumers and the business they bring to the bottom line. In other words they need to remember they are people, too. You won't lose quality with our Kelowna website design company. And so we give you this question to ponder over....How many times do you think a given consumer thinks to himself/herself “I wonder if my favorite retailers really care about me and my business.” More often than you think. Ask yourself this question Mr. and Mrs. CMO: Where in the hierarchy of priorities is the customer? Executives at some of the worlds most recognized brands have been heard saying this:
  • “I will tell the customer what to like.”
  • “They don’t know what they want.”
  • “I don’t believe in research.”
This mindset influences every way in a customer experiences a brand and underscores the fact that most retailers give the customer little consideration when developing strategy, product, pricing, marketing plans, etc. You can find more information as well as get assistance on this topic at http://websitemarketingpros.com/services-solutions/web-design-services/ Neglecting to put the customer first will ultimately damage a brand, it’s credibility, relevance, attractiveness, growth and profitability. They will experience a slow decline until they are no longer relevant and desirable. Signs, Signs, Everywhere the Signs CMOs: Read the next section from the perspective of a consumer, then ask yourself if you/your department are guilty of any of them.
  1. Customer view. They don’t know who you are. You are a frequent buyer who buys more than a couple of times every year – yet you are not recognized as a valued customer (i.e., part of a loyalty program, given special perks or enrolled in a frequent buyer program).
  2. Poor or average customer service. Lackluster, non-responsive, customer service support (in store and online). If customer care service isn’t positive and a great reflection of the brand – you most likely will lose her business.
  3. Outrageous shipping & handling fees. Some retailers make as much if not more money off of shipping and handling as they do off of the product they sell. Fair shipping and handling fees are needed.
  4. Poor inventory management. Not carrying your size or consistently running out of your size or promotional items.
  5. Asking for input. They don’t frequently ask how they are doing or what can they do better. Worse yet, when given feedback they do nothing about it.
  6. Clueless sales staff. Their store sales associates have no idea who you are although you frequent that store.
Your Web Design Vancouver Company recommends giving these questions some thought. Are you guilty of any/all of these Mr. and Mrs. CMO? If you were a consumer, what would you do? You would probably let them know that you need to see a change — a greater focus on you ‘the customer’ or you will switch to another retailer who really values your business and makes you their number one priority. So don't forget those 6 important reminders when reaching out to your consumers, 1) think of the customer's viewpoint, 2) the importance of customer service, 3) keeping reasonable shipping fees, 4) keep better track of inventory, 5) asking for input, and 6) keep your sales staff well informed. Click here for more information to help your company "reach out" to your customers. via Why CMOs Need To Remember They Are Consumers, Too


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