Key Ways to Make Your 4th of July Celebration On the Water a Safe One

Stay Safe While Celebrating On Your Boat This Year Raritan Engineering Company your marine hot water heaters specialists would like to share with you these topics we thought would be of interest to you this month regarding key ways to make your 4th of July celebration on the water a safe one. Each year about three out of four recreational boat owners say they plan to enjoy the Fourth of July holiday aboard the family boat. 1. Before you head out, give a short orientation to guests, not only about essential items, such as how to move about a moving vessel (with one hand always connected to the boat) or how use the head, but also show them how easy it is to use the VHF radio and safety gear, especially life jackets. 2. For that unexpected young guest without a life jacket, the non-profit BoatUS Foundation’s free Kids Life Jacket Loaner program gives boaters a chance to borrow child-size life jackets for the day, afte...