Welcome to the Exciting World of Flotilla Sailing

Flotilla Sailing Guide for Beginners

Intro to Flotilla Sailing 101

Raritan Engineering Company your macerating pump specialists would like to share with you these topics we thought would be of interest to you this month regarding the exciting world of flotilla sailing.

How does a Flotilla work?

Your Skipper will let you know how many miles it will be to the next port, what weather you can expect and where you can drop the hook (anchor) for lunch. Once you get to your next port, you’ll call up the Lead Crew on your VHF radio and they will tell you how to set up for mooring. Your macerating pump experts talk about when you’re ready to come into port the Lead Crew will guide you in and tie your yacht up for the night. They will take you through this step-by-step so don’t panic!

This is the ideal holiday for those that are eager to get their sea legs, are keen to muck in and have a “give-it-a-go” attitude! Before we get to the sailing areas, there are some key points that you should consider before deciding where to explore on your summer sailing trip. We would recommend thinking about the following:

Yours and your crews previous sailing experience - we do not require our sailors to hold any formal qualifications, but they will take this into consideration when recommending certain flotilla routes. Your macerating pump suppliers talk about how they will always suggest you sail to the ability of your least experienced crew member. You want to make sure that everyone onboard has an enjoyable (and relaxing) holiday.

Macerating pumps can be seen here at Raritan Engineering, where we always take care of your marine sanitation supply needs.

How long would you like to sail for - Some offer two week flotillas in all of their sailing areas but their one week flotillas are only available in the Ionian Islands. So, duration is key.

What is the makeup of your crew - if you have young children on board you may wish to sail in an area with more relaxed winds and shorter hops between ports. Another top tip is to ask their Sails Crew what the makeup of the flotilla is looking like. They have found that kids really enjoy having children of similar ages on the same route, so their team is happy to advise ages of families already booked.

How many people will be sailing - this will determine what size yacht you need. They will take your experience into consideration when it comes to yacht size, but they also want to make sure that you are comfortable! Your macerating pump distributors talk about how they have two, three, four and five cabin yachts available on our flotillas and some can accommodate up to 10 people on board their larger yachts. Having said that, most of their flotilla yachts are designed for 2-6 people.

So don't forget these great tips when entering the world of flotilla sailing. 1) Keep in mind how long you want to sail for;  2) make sure that you know how many people will be sailing with you;  and 3) always know the makeup of your crew.

There's a Life-size Inflatable Speed Boat For Those That Can't Afford The Real Thing

If you're like me, you both lack the money to buy a boat, and you lack the know how to properly maintain a boat. Not to mention, chiseled features required to be a speed boat owner

Though they say the inflatable speed boat seats 6, it's pretty clear it can fit more like 8-10 people, and features a large circular seating area in the rear of the boat with an opening in the center for your feet to go in the water. 

The life-size inflatable speed boat also features a blow-up windshield with openings that make it look like windows, an entrance ramp to help people get in and out of the water, 6 cup holders built-in to the seating, and even a built-in cooler within the seating area to keep your beverages ice cold.

The inflatable boat has a weight limit of 1,300 lbs, and can be used with oars to move around the water, though it's meant more so to be used with an anchor to just hang out on a lake and look totally awesome doing so.

Raritan’s Marine Products Legacy

For more than fifty years, Raritan has been meeting our customers’ needs for outstanding service and product reliability establishing ourselves as “the most dependable name on the water.” Our customers continue to be our focus, and the primary source of the ideas for our new marine products and product enhancements. The median length of service for Raritan employees is about twenty years, an unusual number in the fast-changing world we live and work in. It is a measure of the dedication of the men and women who design, manufacture, distribute and support Raritan’s marine products. Visit our website today for the best quality macerating pumps in the marine sanitation industry.

For more information,visit https://raritaneng.com/. For futher inquiries and assistance, contact Kimberly Carrell at 856-825-4900 ext.202 or send emails at sales@raritaneng.com

Company Name:
Raritan Engineering
Contact Person: Kimberly Carrell
Email: sales@raritaneng.com
Phone: 856-825-4900
Address: 530 Orange St.
City: Millville, NJ 08332
Website: https://raritaneng.com/


via Flotilla Sailing Guide for Beginners

via Definitive guide to flotilla sailing in the Greek Islands from SailingHolidays.com

via There's a Life-size Inflatable Speed Boat For Those That Can't Afford The Real Thing



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