Great Ways to Prop Your Outboards

Propping Outboards

Check Out These Excellent Methods of Propping Your Outboards

Raritan Engineering Company your marine sanitation device specialists would like to share with you these topics we thought would be of interest to you this month regarding great ways to prop your outboards.

As triple- and quadruple-outboard-powered boats increase in popularity, choosing the best mix of propellers for such propulsion systems has grown in complexity. That’s because center engines sometimes require different propping than outside motors. 

Twin outboard setups use the same type and size of propeller for each engine, but in counter-rotating pairs. Triples and quads also employ counter-rotation (triples usually have a right-hand prop in the center), but it gets trickier from there.

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With triples and quads, the drives for center engines on deep-Vs sit deeper in the water than do the outer engines. This allows all propellers to clear the bottom of the hull to maximize performance.  

“This means that middle engines might need help in getting a better bite,” Landry says. “The outer propellers tend to get a cleaner stream of water than do center props, which can sometimes have a harder time ­grabbing water.”

To get an idea of how propellers might vary, we looked at Boating’s test of the Everglades 435 CC with quad Yamaha 350 hp V-8 outboards. All props were Yamaha Saltwater Series XL three-blade stainless steel, but the outside wheels carried a 19-inch pitch, while the center two were 21-inch pitch.

For an example of variable propping with triple outboards, we looked at our test of the Wellcraft 352 Fisherman powered by three Mercury 400 hp 400R Verados swinging Merc Revolution 4 stainless-steel four-blade props. 

So don't forget these great tips when propping your outboards. 1) Twin outboard setups use the same type and size of propeller for each engine, but in counter-rotating pairs;  2) triples and quads also employ counter-rotation (triples usually have a right-hand prop in the center);  and 3) with triples and quads, the drives for center engines on deep-Vs sit deeper in the water than do the outer engines.

Man plans to solve homeless problem by turning cruise ship into homes

It’s an undeniable fact that there are too many homeless souls spending each night sleeping on the streets instead of in a bed.

Even worse, homelessness doesn’t just affect young, healthy people in the U.S., but is a scourge that can blight the old, the sick and the weak, too.

What’s more, it seems like it’s only getting worse for those who have it tough, while the rich continue to get richer.

Sadly, the United States isn’t the only country where homelessness – and difficulty getting affordable housing – is a problem. In many countries around the world, governments are failing to provide adequate housing, and so the numbers continue to rise.

Contractor Ken Capron plans to buy an old cruise ship that’s no longer in use. His aim is to rebuild the entire vessel, thus transforming it into affordable apartments stationed in the city’s port.

“We’re looking at four groups that need housing: the homeless, the low-income, the workers and the immigrants. They also need vocational training and we would offer them on board,” Ken Capron said in an interview with WMTW.

The mayor of Portland’s response

According to reports, the mayor of the city is open to the well thought out proposal.

In Capron’s vision, the ship would be converted into five different floors, with at least one hundred apartments offered on each.

“I have no idea if it’s the craziest idea I’ve ever heard or the most brilliant idea I’ve ever heard,” said Mayor Ethan Strimling, according to NECN, via the Miami Herald.

Ken has applied for an independent investigation to discern whether the project is feasible. If given the green light, he’s going to put his plan into practise, but is set to present his idea to the City Committee regardless.

The estimated cost of transforming the cruise ship, meanwhile, sits somewhere in the region of between $5 million and $10 million. 

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For more information,visit For futher inquiries and assistance, contact Kimberly Carrell at 856-825-4900 ext.202 or send emails at

Company Name:
Raritan Engineering
Contact Person: Kimberly Carrell
Phone: 856-825-4900
Address: 530 Orange St.
City: Millville, NJ 08332


via Propping Outboards

via Man plans to solve homeless problem by turning cruise ship into homes


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