Thru Hull Fittings Blog Dept: Learning the Basics of Sailing in Less Than a Week

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How Fast Do You Want to Learn How to Sail?

Raritan Engineering Company your thru hull fittings specialists would like to share with you these topics we thought would be of interest to you this month regarding learning the basics of sailing in less than a week.

First Things First

These are the fundamentals—everything you go on to learn as a sailor will trace back to what you learn right here. I believe you’ll be ready to go sailing at the end of this lesson, but I highly recommend you head out with a friend or instructor. Mother nature plays by her own rules and you should play it safe.

Anatomy of a sailboat

Sailboats come in countless shapes and sizes to meet every combination of personal taste, geography, and intended use. But they all share a few crucial features that make sailing possible.MastTall vertical pole that carries the sail high in the air.BoomHorizontal pole connected to the mast that attaches to the bottom of the sail to control its angle and shape.


Knowing how sails work will be your most valuable skill. If you understandsailing theory, the basics of actually sailing will feel remarkably intuitive.

The science of sailing starts with the rounded, triangular* shape of the sail. Your thru hull fittings specialists talk about how the sail’s frontmost edge connects with the mast and its bottom edge runs horizontally along the boom. The sail itself is cut with some roundness, which lets the sail billow just a bit.

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In our example, the combined power of push from windward and lift from leeward is not directed straight ahead, but at an angle. The keel, or vertical fin on the underside of the boat, resists the resulting sideways motion and guides the boat in a straight line. 

a. Watching the Wind

It’s important to know where the wind is coming from, because if you lose track, it won’t be easy to maintain power in your sail. This can definitely be a challenge since it’s invisible and tends to shift in speed and direction.

b. Adjusting the Sail

Sailors love to meticulously adjust the shape of a sail, from its overall position to the tension of individual sections. On a sailboat, the rope we use are always called lines. A line that adjusts a sail is known as a sheet.

c. Sail Trim

Sail trim refers to the shape of a sail, which sailors can adjust in countless ways to respond to the wind. In the most basic sense, to trim a sail is to use the mainsheet to hold the boom at the correct angle to the wind. 

Points of Sail

A point of sail refers to a sailboat’s direction in relation to wind direction. Each point of sail has a name, general procedures for maintaining proper sail trim, and a distinctive feel.

Since the direction of the wind determines a point of sail, it changes whenever the wind shifts or the boat turns.

Stay Safe

While you’ve learned a lot, it can be dangerous to go alone. Your thru hull fittings experts talk about how mother nature can be unforgiving, and it does considerable sailing experience to know how to stay safe. So please find a friend or instructor who can take you out and help you put these ideas to use.

So don't forget these great tips if you want to learn how to sail quickly. 1) Make sure you know the anatomy of a sailboat. Sailboats come in countless shapes and sizes to meet every combination of personal taste, geography, and intended use;  2) be sure to know your sailing physics. Knowing how sails work will be your most valuable skill;  and 3) learn how to watch the wind. It’s important to know where the wind is coming from, because if you lose track, it won’t be easy to maintain power in your sail.

Amazing Moment Giant Grey Whale Plays With Boat And Its Passengers

Whales are pretty spectacular creatures, but usually best kept at something of a length.

After all, they're the largest animals on Earth and generally unconcerned about humans, so they can unwittingly throw their weight around. 

It swims up right to the side of their vessel and allows the people to stroke it on its side, with one even leaning over and seeming to give the mega-mammal a little kiss.

The grey whale is not quite the biggest fish in the sea, but it isn't far off.

Grey whales live predominantly in the northern Pacific Ocean, along the western coast of North America, though they also possess one of the widest migratory ranges of any animal on Earth and thus can be found across a huge swath of the Pacific Ocean.

They will travel as far as 22,000 kilometres in one migratory cycle and sightings have been recorded in locations as diverse as Namibia, off the coast of Southern Africa in 2013 - the first ever to be sighted in the Southern Hemisphere - and Israel, showing that they have the capability to swim into the Mediterranean Sea.

Grey whales have been hunted by whalers - they only predators are humans and killer whales - although killing them is now broadly illegal.

They once lived in the North Atlantic as well as the Pacific, but were hunted to extinction in the whaling boom of the 17th and 18th centuries.

There are an estimated 26,000 grey whales on the western side of the Pacific Ocean.

Alaska natives recently caused controversy by killing a grey whale under the impression that it was a Beluga whale, which they are allowed to kill.

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For more than fifty years, Raritan has been meeting our customers’ needs for outstanding service and product reliability establishing ourselves as “the most dependable name on the water.” Our customers continue to be our focus, and the primary source of the ideas for our new marine products and product enhancements. The median length of service for Raritan employees is about twenty years, an unusual number in the fast-changing world we live and work in. It is a measure of the dedication of the men and women who design, manufacture, distribute and support Raritan’s marine products. Visit our website today for the best quality thru hull fittings in the marine sanitation industry.

via Learn to Sail in 15 Minutes

via Amazing Moment Giant Grey Whale Plays With Boat And Its Passengers

via Photo


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