Marine Hot Water Heaters Blog Dept: Catch More Fish By Making Less Noise
Being Noisy Spooks the Fish
Raritan Engineering Company your marine hot water heaters distributors would like to share with you these topics we thought would be of interest to you this month regarding how ot catch more fish by making less noise.
Your marine hot water heaters experts talk about how stealthy fishing is successful fishing. Here are 10 tips for better results.
Sound kills the bite, that is. Most anglers know that loud noises and vibrations can scare the fish and turn off the action as quickly as flipping a light switch. .
Before you leave the dock, have a short conversation with your crew about watching the volume level. While you, the captain of the boat, may be aware of how slamming a hatch will scare the snook, the people you invited aboard may be a lot less familiar with the finer points of fishing.
While a modern four-stroke outboard makes virtually no noise at idle, shifting it (or any engine) into gear creates a metal-on-metal “thunk” that can be heard above and below he water. And that abrupt noise is more than enough to spook fish.
All forms of propeller-driven propulsion create prop noise underwater, including electric motors. The level of that noise is directly related to the speed of the propeller.
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So a potent electric trolling motor running at full throttle may actually be creating more noise than some gas-powered outboards running at idle.
Many boats leak stray electrical current into the water, and some species are sensitive to electrical charges. Whether a charge emitted by a boat attracts or repels fish is anyone’s guess, so making sure the boat doesn’t leak electricity is a good idea. Attach a voltmeter to the negative terminal of the battery, with the other lead attached to a bare wire that’s five or six feet down into the water, to give it a test.
Another sort of foam that can deliver a boost of stealth is a foam pool noodle. This fix is specific to boats with hard chines, which may create a lot of chine slap as they drift. You can eliminate it by taking a foam pool noodle up to the bow and sliding it under the chine.
One way to lower the volume level of a boat is by adding a layer of cushioning foam to the deck. SeaDek, Marine Mat, Ocean Grip and other companies make closed-cell EVA foam sheets and strips that can be used to cover that fiberglass or aluminum, shushing all kinds of noise-making accidents, such as dropped weights, stomped feet and dragged coolers.
Some lures that are otherwise attractive can actually spook fish, particularly in very still, calm water. Lures with loud rattles, for example, can do more harm than good when the water’s surface is mirror-still. Same goes for poppers and chuggers.
So don't forget these great tips on how to catch more fish by making less noise. 1) Before you leave the dock, have a short conversation with your crew about watching the volume level; 2) one way to lower the volume level of a boat is by adding a layer of cushioning foam to the deck; and 3) avoid using loud lures.
First woman wins Clipper round-the-world yacht race

Australian Wendy Tuck has become the first female skipper to win the Clipper round-the-world yacht race.
British skipper Nikki Henderson, 25, came second with her team in the 40,000-mile race.
Professional sailors captain teams of amateurs. Nearly half of the crews, who come from 41 countries, had no previous sailing experience before signing up.
Race co-founder Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, who was the first person to sail solo nonstop around the world, said: "If you realise that more people have climbed Mount Everest than have sailed around the world, you realise just what these people have done.
"There has never been a round-the-world sailing race where the leading skippers are women," he added.
"To have men and women competing together in sport on a level playing field is very special."
He said the success of Tuck and Henderson "cannot be overestimated".
Henderson said: "We didn't get the win but I am so proud of how my team dug deep and kept fighting right until the end."
Nottinghamshire firefighter Rebecca Sims, who sailed in Henderson's team during one leg of the race, said: "To have a female one-two is probably the best outcome, really, so it's fantastic for women in sport.
Sports Minister Tracey Crouch said she had been "watching it quite obsessively", especially as Henderson is the daughter of her Conservative colleague, Guildford MP Anne Milton.
"It is really nice to be here at the end and to celebrate some remarkable achievements for two amazing female skippers."
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