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Marine Sanitation Division Blog: Success of Kayak Fishing

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Your Marine Sanitation Experts Share Tips for Kayak Fishing

Raritan Engineering your marine sanitation professionals would like to share with you these topics we thought would be of interest to you this month regarding the success of kayak fishing.
With the stealth of a ninja, Kevin Whitley eased the kayak between two pilings in the middle of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel. He dropped the bait straight down. Instantly the fiddler crab was thumped by a big sheepshead, and the tug-of-war was on.
There was a time when Whitley, known on the water as “Kayak Kevin,” would have drawn strange looks for his narrow, 15-foot piece of floating plastic. But the area’s kayak fishing scene has exploded. 
“We have the water for it,” said Cory Routh, who runs a kayak fishing guide service and was one of TKAA’s early members. “So … I’m not surprised by the rise in interest at all.”
“I have a bit of a gypsy mentality and thought about taking up hiking,” Whitley said. “But my ankles and legs aren’t hiking quality. I could paddle, though.”
Burnley was targeting the diversity of fish in the lower Chesapeake Bay and had built a small following of anglers who enjoyed the quiet of paddling, the sounds of waves lapping against plastic, the splashing of a fish right at your side.
Whitley went after the sport with a passion some found surprising, given his previous lack of interest in fishing.

The Kayak Fishing Trend Going Around

Marine sanitation is critical on your vessel, so be sure to check us out here at Raritan Engineering, where we always take care of your marine sanitation supply needs.
The kayak fishing scene seems to have grown locally in conjunction with the increasing popularity of small recording devices like GoPro cameras. Anglers often mount them on their bow, on a pole from the stern or on their hat. 
“The production quality of some of the stuff is mind-blowing,” Routh said. “Go to YouTube these days – there’s no shortage of quality video being produced by kayak anglers.”
Kayaks don’t require boat ramps, and they can take you into hard-to-reach spots, including skinny water (3 feet deep or less) where you can find feeding speckled trout and puppy drum, among other species. 
And while a gas boat and gear can run you several thousands of dollars, beginners can usually get decent starter kayaks for about $1,000. Annual upkeep is far less expensive, as well.
But for many anglers, like Whitley, the most appealing aspect of kayak fishing is its connection to nature. Being on a small craft, close to the water, you can hear everything and see everything. The fishing is almost secondary.
So don't forget these great reasons to try kayak fishing. 1) Affordability. There are a wide range of price points for kayaks, almost all are more affordable than a traditional boat with a motor;  2) accessibility;  and 3) low maintenance.

Sailing Is a Sport for You!

Sailing clubs can be found on the coast, rivers and inland lakes in some spectacular locations around the country. There are nearly 400 sailing clubs around Australia with more than 60,000 registered club members and 100,000 people regularly participating in the sport.
You don’t need to own a boat to enjoy sailing. There are clubs that provide boats and boat owners looking for crew. 
Different types of sailing
There are many different types of sailing to choose from:
  • Social sailing – Non-competitive participation that involves just going for a sail.
  • Cruising – A form of social sailing where a destination to sail to is selected.
  • Racing – A number of boats going round a course in a competitive structure. There are different levels of competition, from more social or introductory racing through to serious national and international regattas.
  • Ocean racing – A form of competitive sailing that takes place off-shore. One of the most famous ocean racing events in the world is the Rolex Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race.

Types of sail boats

All About Boats
Having some knowledge of the different types of boats available will help you decide what type of sailing best suits you.
Sailing Terminology
Sailors use traditional nautical terms for the parts of or directions on a vessel: starboard (right), port (left), forward or fore (front), aft or abaft (rearward), bow (forward part of the hull), stern (aft part of the hull), and beam (the widest part).
Like many sports, sailing offers a pathway for new participants to use as a guide to building experience, skills and confidence.
The Sailing Pathway has 10 steps and is applicable to participants of all backgrounds, ages and abilities, in different types of boats. 
Safety plays an important part in all sports, none more so than sailing.
Weather is an important factor of sailing, not so much the temperature or how sunny it will be, but the wind strength and direction.
The challenge of racing other boats is what appeals to many sailors.
Buy sanitation equipment here at Raritan Engineering and see how we provide you the best products in the marine sanitation industry today.

Be sure to watch our latest video on marine sanitation below. 

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via Sailing


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