TruDesign Suppliers Discuss Why Seafarers Are Good for the World

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Your TruDesign Manufacturers Share Great Reasons Why Seafarers Are Crucial for Us 

Raritan Engineering your TruDesign professionals would like to share with you these topics we thought would be of interest to you this month regarding why seafarers are good for the world.
Your TruDesign specialists share how the 25th of June has been christened as the ‘Day of the Seafarer’. While the world sits back to enjoy their Sunday, the sea trade carries on – no holidays, no rest! 
This year, the IMO has themed the day as ‘Seafarers Matter’ and for good reason that one might be able to grasp better as this article progresses. Your marine parts for sale distributors gives reasons why they were established in 2010 by a Diplomatic Conference in Manila, the Seafarer’s Day aims to recognise the contribution of seafarers to the economy, trade and regular civil life. 
Let’s take a look at the top 5 reasons seafarers matter to the world.
1. The World Trade and Globalization Depend on Seafarers
Shipping is an industry that contributes over 90% to the world economy. There are about 51400 merchant ships plying all over the world, transferring goods between places, keeping the economy running. 
The figure of 90% isn’t an arbitrary figure but rather a ‘precise estimation’ and rightfully so. Your marine parts Canada suppliers discuss why shipping still happens to be the cheapest mode of transport. Some might ignorantly argue about airplanes, trains etc. being equally important.
Seafarers, with their theoretical knowledge of it all combined with their gradual increase in experience, make it all happen.
2. Daily Lives Of People Depends On Seafarers
The food you eat, the clothes you wear, the oil that fuels your automobile- EVERYTHING has been transferred via ships. In fact, most of the products in your vicinity now have probably been on a ship at some point! 
The errors are the exception, the rule is that seafarers always deliver these products in their prime quality and on time and in the process save everybody a great deal of money. If not for a seafarer worth his salt, port delays and dues, claims against cargo and so on would drive up the price to a point where it would not be a viable business. 

Your TruDesign Experts Further Talk About How Great Seafarers Really Are

One must stop to think the level of involvement of every single seafarer out there.
We are proud to be your TruDesign supplier. Check us out at Raritan Engineering and see how we always take care of your marine sanitation supply needs.
3. Not Everyone Can Do This Job
As mentioned before, the training is long and academically challenging, with topics ranging from astronomy to engines to law (among many others). However, it is the mental constitution of a seafarer that really sets out the fabric for a career at sea. 
4. Saving Lives At Sea
Instead of getting into technical jargon about SAR and IAMSAR let us for once think about all the recent news about the immigration crisis from war-ridden countries. 
Even recently, the Indian Government carried out a massive evacuation of civilians from a war-torn country, lauded across the world, that involved merchant ships as well.
5. Unrecognized But Unfazed
The layman tends to ask the usual questions (what do you do at sea?!) and assumes that the seafarer earns a great deal of money, paid out to travel the world and live the good life. Your marine products corp professionals share how companies are constantly reducing salaries to make their operations more and more economically viable. Regulations are getting more and more stringent with ever increasing paperwork and therefore, pressure on the Master and his crew. 
With the recent advancements in technology wherein ships are gradually moving towards being unmanned, it could be deemed as a small threat to the seafaring profession. 
It is indeed high time the world woke up to this immense contribution and started appreciating the unknown seafarer a little more. It is high time that companies revisited the salary structures of a seafarer. It is high time that the world realized that Seafarers Matter.
Don't forget to order your TruDesign parts here at Raritan Engineering, where we always take care of your marine sanitation supply needs.
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