Raritan Marine Hot Water Heater Professionals Share Tips for Making Your Sailing Trip Pet Safe

Raritan Marine Hot Water Heater Distributors Give Great Pointers to Help Your Dog Enjoy the Journey

Raritan Engineering your marine hot water heaters suppliers would like to share with you these topics we thought would be of interest to you this month regarding amazing tips to keep your dog safe while sailing.
Your marine hot water heaters specialists discuss how your dog will likely enjoy being out on the open ocean as much as you will, but just like with human passengers, safety measures must be taken!
  1. Create an Emergency Plan
Make sure you consider an emergency plan of what you’ll do in the event that your dog falls overboard.
Choose who will navigate the boat and who will keep visuals on the floating dogs. Dogs don’t have the ability to wave to signal where they are, and their small floating heads can easily get lost among the waves. Your marine parts suppliers give reasons as to why it’s essential to assign specific people to the task of keeping an eye on the dog’s location if they fall over.
Once you get near the dog, cut the engine and yell for the dog to swim towards you. Do not jump in to help, as even a medium-sized panicked dog may accidentally pull you under (panicked humans do the same thing – it’s simply instinctual). Instead, call your dog over and pick them up out of the water (most dog life jackets are equipped with a top handle for this very purpose).
  1. Pack a Doggy First Aid Kit
Keep a first aid kit on hand for both your human and canine crew. Your marine parts and accessories suppliers discuss why you’ll want to have a few different items on hand for your pooch, including:
  • Flea and tick medication
  • Medications your dog is currently taking (have extra in case you get stuck in an emergency)
  • Antibiotic ointment for scrapes or minor cuts
  • Dramamine in the event of sea sickness (make sure to talk to your vet about this)
  1. Know the Rules
If you’ll be boating across state lines or internationally, make sure to read up on local legislation regarding dogs on boats, as different areas may have different rules on what’s allowed and what’s not.

Raritan Marine Hot Water Heater Professionals Talk About Keeping Your Furry Friend Alive While Sailing

Don't forget to visit Raritan Engineering and check out the marine water heaters selection we have. We always take care of all your marine sanitation needs.
  1. Get a Canine Life Jacket
Most dogs tend to like water – some, like Labradors, are quite famous for their water-loving spirit. Even though dogs enjoy water, they may not all be great swimmers. Your marine hot water heaters experts share information regarding how dogs aren’t exactly the best as judging their own skill level, so it’s your job as the fur parent to watch out for them.
When out at sea, all dogs should wear life jackets (yes, even those H20 obsessed Labs). Your marine parts distributors talk about why ocean water is choppy and rougher than your local pond, and even strong swimmers could get pulled under.
We’ve got a great article highlighting some of the very best dog life jackets on the market – take a look if you don’t own one yet! 
  1. Bring Doggy Sunscreen
The majority of humans (especially the pale kind) know to lather up the sunscreen in the summer. What you may not know is that dogs need sun protection too! Dogs with very thin or very light fur are especially at risk. 
The on and off boat commands are key for the docking process. It’s during this time that most accidents occur, as dogs – in enormous excitement – may try to jump on or off the boat mid-docking procedure.
Making sure your dog is comfortable with your boat and life aboard the high seas will do wonders for making your trip as smooth and stress-free as possible.
Order your marine water heater here at Raritan Engineering, where we always take care of your marine sanitation supply needs.
Adventure on the seas awaits – happy travels!


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