Your Marine Products International Specialists Help You Avoid the Problems With Old Diesel Engines

Raritan Engineering Company your marine products international professionals would like to share with you this week some vital information regarding how to avoid fuel problems in marine diesel engines.
Murphy’s Law has an affinity for old marine diesel engines, particularly those with aging fuel systems. Problems with bad fuel is one of the chief complaints among owners of diesel engines, particularly among first-boat owners who are unfamiliar with some of the contamination issues associated with diesel fuel. Late last year we looked at various additives that claim to preserve stability in both gasoline and diesel fuel during long-term storage.
Here are some fuel-system management practices that we recommend.
- Buy diesel from the busiest fuel dock. Often this is a fuel dock that serves commercial users. A busy service station is good, too.
- Eliminate outside free water. Inspect the tank-fill opening annually, and replace the O-ring as needed. A little o-ring lubricant can help with sealing and can prevent seizing.
- Keep the tank full. This is vital with gasoline tanks, but it’s also important with diesel. Tank breathing is proportional to the free space in the tank, and a tank that is kept 90-percent full simply can’t absorb significant water through breathing.
- A diesel fuel-polishing system designed to recycle and filter the oil is a good idea. There always will be some sludge in tanks, and often, there will be some biological growth.
Your Marine Products International Analysts Suggest Using Dry Fuel and Filtration
- Some believe in continuous biocide treatments. Your marine products international experts know that some rely on dry fuel and filtration. If you do chose biocides choose one of our recommended products, and don’t wait until things are bad; treat at the first sign, when there is any slimy dirt on the primary fuel filter.
- Use your engine. Many sailors pride themselves on running the engine just enough to clear the marina. The problem is that the engine never really warms up, so only a fraction of a gallon is used each trip, and the fuel stays in the tanks for a year or longer.
In years past, good boat owners took fuel management to mean choosing a reputable fuel dock and treating any problems that arose.
“Because of [emissions requirements], we’re finding fuel systems with higher pressures that demand higher-quality fuel,” says Bill (Doc) McComiskey, a fuel specialist at Florida Detroit Diesel in Orlando, Florida ( “We can no longer just put fuel in the tank, head offshore, and assume it will take care of itself.”
The good news is that many fuel docks have stepped up and seem to be better at maintaining their tanks and filters. Still, to be on the safe side, purchase fuel from a marina that does a lot of business — diesel fuel problems crop up when it sits.
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via Hustle and Flow
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