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TruDesign Experts Share #1 Tips for Getting Fit for Sailing

Your TruDesign Analysts Help You to Face the Most Physically Demanding Situations While Sailing 

Raritan Engineering Company your TruDesign specialists would like to share with you these topics we thought would be of interest to you this month regarding #1 tips for getting fit for sailing. 

Your TruDesign experts know that on October 11, seven teams will depart from Alicante, Spain on 65-foot carbon fiber yachts, the start of the most grueling sailing race on the planet - 38,739 nautical miles around the world.  

In its 41-year history, the race has claimed the lives of five sailors, and injured dozens. The 2014-15 edition promises to be the most physically demanding yet.  

Teams have responded by implementing rigorous strength training programs prior to their arrival in Spain. We sat down with three of them to find out their training philosophy.

The Team: Brunel (Holland)

The Strategy: Hit the Gym, Get Big

Team Brunel came together in spring 2014 and immediately made dry-land training and gym workouts a priority. “We have been in the gym every morning for the past five months,” says skipper Bouwe Bekking. 

Your TruDesign Professionals Understand How Important It Is to Make Workouts a Priority

Go to and see how you can find more information as well as get assistance on TruDesign and on #1 tips for getting fit for sailing.

The Team:  SCA

The Strategy: Interval Training

Your TruDesign analysts know that as the only all-female entry in the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 (and the first all-women's entry since 2001-02), Team SCA is determined not to let the physicality of the race work to their disadvantage. To help even the playing field, they are permitted to use an 11-women crew, compared to all the other eight-man crews. Even so, they started their dry-land training in summer 2013, the earliest of any team. 

The Team: Abu Dhabi Ocean Racing

The Strategy: Avoid Injury

The Abu Dhabi Ocean Racing team started their formal workouts six moths ago, using a mix of sailing and dry-land training in the coastal town of Cascais, Portugal just west of Lisbon. According to the team's sports science manager Pete Cunningham, the focus of their workouts was not only strength and fitness, but also injury prevention. 

Cardio sessions lasted 90 minutes, up to four per week, including running, rowing, and a Sunday team bike ride. In the four weeks immediately before the race, the team has been tapering. “The crew reached a fitness level we were happy with, and now we are concentrating on maintaining this level,” says Harmer.

So don't forget these amazing tips for remaining physically fit for all sailing situations that could come up. 1) The first strategy to use is interval training;  2) the second strategy to use is to avoid injury;  and 3) and the third strategy is to hit the gym and get big.

Click here and see how Raritan Engineering always has more information on TruDesign and the #1 workout tips for getting in the best shape possible to be successful in any and all sailing situations.

via Workout Philosophy From the World's Toughest Sailors


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