Marine Toilet Experts Help You Save Lives With Carbon Monoxide Detectors


image via CO and Fume Detectors

Your Marine Toilet Specialists Know the Importance of Keeping Your Loved Ones Safe 

Raritan Engineering Company your marine toilet analysts would like to share with you these topics we thought would be of interest to you this month regarding how to save lives by choosing the right fume detectors. 

Your marine toilet experts understand that having one or more sources of fuel on board presents a potential danger, especially if you are unaware of leaks or vapor accumulation. Fuel can include gas, diesel and gas burning appliances for cooking or heating.

Your toilets for boats specialists know that many boaters have some serious misconceptions about fuel fumes in the bilge or engine compartment. One is that the engine blower will eliminate dangerous fuel vapors prior to starting a gasoline engine. 

Your macerating toilet experts know that on a typical enclosed boat you should have detectors and associated alarms that alert you to the presence of CO, fumes (including fuel, solvents gasses and others) and smoke.  This normally means that you need more than one type of detector. You may even need more than one of the same type of detector.  For example, a smoke detector in an airtight engine space won't help you with a galley fire. 

You can find more information as well as get assistance on macerating toilet and on how to save lives by choosing the right fume detectors at Raritan Engineering.

Your Marine Toilet Professionals Show You How to Buy the Right Detectors

The good news is that some detectors will detect more than one type of problem. For example, your portable boat toilets professionals know that some fuel vapor detectors will not only detect gas fuel vapors, they may be able to detect other combustible vapors such as cooking fuels, hydrogen, solvents, and certain cleaning compounds. 

What you get for your boat depends on your boat, its systems, its layouts and many other factors. And even if you feel entirely confident of your boat (and you shouldn't) keep in mind that other boats in the marina or at the anchorage may be emitting, for example, CO, which is entering your boat through its vents or ports. With all this in mind, check the specifications for the detectors you buy to be sure that you're well covered. Different detectors perform differently. 

The Effects of Carbon Monoxide

Carbon monoxide (CO) needs special mention. It can overcome a person quickly it can be fatal in just minutes-see the chart below. Your porta potties for boats analysts know that the most prevalent source of CO is exhaust from gasoline engines and generators.

Since carbon monoxide is colorless and odorless, the installation of CO detectors aboard all recreational boats is recommended. The American Boat and Yacht Council now requires all new boats with gasoline inboards or generators to have a CO detector installed.

So don't forget these helpful pointers when making the decision to buy your next carbon monoxide detector. 1) Having one or more sources of fuel on board presents a potential danger;  2) there is good news is that some detectors will detect more than one type of problem;  and 3) carbon monoxide can overcome a person quickly and can be fatal in just minutes.

Raritan Engineering always has more information on marine toilet, macerating toilet, macerator pump, and on how to save lives with carbon monoxide detectors.

via CO and Fume Detectors


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