Electric Toilets Specialists Share 5 Times Where It's OK to Break Sailing Etiquette
Your Electric Toilets Experts Help You Go From Being a Good Sailor to a Great Sailor
Raritan Engineering Company your electric toilets professionals would like to share with you these topics we thought would be of interest to you this month regarding 5 times where it is OK to break sailing etiquette.
Your electric toilets dynamos know that the best sailors stick to the fundamental rules. After all, the premise of a fundamental rule is that it works most of the time. If you are right most of the time and have decent speed, you will do very well. But what if you are a perfectionist and want to be right all the time, not just most of the time?
In sailing it's a lofty goal, especially because we are trying to figure out something we cannot see-the wind-but it certainly does not hurt to try.
When it comes to fundamentals, stating that a rule works most of the time is an admission that it doesn't work all the time. Therefore, your electric toilets specialists know that there are times when following the basic rule is not the best move, or perhaps two basic rules conflict, for example, “sail in more wind” and “sail toward the mark.”
Go to http://raritaneng.com/category-pages/choosing-your-marine-toilet/ and see how you can find more information as well as get assistance on electric toilets and on 5 times when it is ok to break sailing etiquette at Raritan Engineering.
The exceptional sailor knows when to break from the basics and which rule applies when two conflict, giving them a higher level of tactical accuracy. Here are a few examples to help you do so, as well.
Cross when you can unless you're certain that continuing on your present tack will give you more gain. For example, you see there's more wind the further you go, or you know that continuing takes you toward favorable current.
Sail in more wind unless you're sailing upwind and you're already overpowered, ragging your main. Once you're at this point, you're going to be slower in more wind. If you are in 28 knots, you probably don't need 35.
Keep it simple by not tacking or jibing too much unless it happens to be very shifty and playing the shifts will make up for extra maneuvers. Often on a 20- to 30-degree shifty day, sailing toward the mark is extremely powerful, and to do so requires tacking or jibing on all those fast-moving shifts.
Start at the favored end unless, after the start, you will be pinned from going to the correct side of the course. If the pin end of the line is favored, but you like the right side of the course, you may want to start near the boat to get right quickly.
Get to the racecourse one hour before the start unless it's cold and windy. When it's windy, tactics can be less important. Boatspeed and boathandling are paramount, so less tactical research is needed, and you don't want to wear out the crew before the first race starts.
Your head is probably spinning from these exceptions to the golden rules, but don't fret: When in doubt, always stick to the basic rules first.
So don't forget these 5 situations where it is ok to break sailing etiquette and become a greater sailor. 1) Crossing when you can; 2) sailing in more wind; 3) try not jibing or tacking too much; and 4) you don't always have to start at the favored end.
Learn more from Raritan Engineering which has more information on electric toilets and on 5 situations where you can break sailing etiquette.
via From the Archives: Exceptions to the Golden Rules

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