Raritan Engineering Introduces A Breakthrough In Macerator Pump Design Through Video

Raritan Engineering of Millville, NJ has recently launched a macerator pump with a new design through a video which can be watched on YouTube. The revolutionary design reduces 99.9% of any waste matter spillage.

Raritan Engineering manufactures equipment for pleasure boats throughout the world. Its products include marine toilets, waste treatment systems, icemakers,sanitation materials, and water heaters. The company designs products that help maintain an environmental balance and ensure the quality of marine sea life. Products such as macerator pumps allow Raritan to do its part in preserving sea life. The product is made to empty holding tanks in boats' toilets to which allows safe waste discharge and management. Raritan representative Joe explains: "For starters, a macerator pump is designed for a boat's toilet to empty the holding tank on a boat. Holding tanks are installed on toilets, and their job basically is to hold waste until boats can discharge it into a dockside pump, facility," said Joe. "Macerator pumps are responsible for emptying holding tanks effectively–they include a bronze cutter to grind waste down to its smallest size, allowing efficient waste management. This means it guarantees an easier discharge, and boaters can be sure that they are adhering to proper environmental standards.

"The macerator pump's new design comes with a wastewater valve, which allows for pump maintenance with no spillage, it is a direct replacement of competitive units, which eliminates waste. The video explains the pump's features and key improvements. Raritan Engineering's design allows users to remove the pump without disconnecting plumbing. Another feature is easy maintenance, as owners can simply shut off the valve and remove the screws. In addition, the macerator pump is made from stainless steel bolts to avoid corrosion. A spring-loaded Viton shaft seal is also used to prevent leaks, and a proprietary rubber impeller compound allows longer dry running time. An optional Smart Macerator Control monitors the motor and pump to prevent dry run overload.

Raritan Engineering is currently developing more products that will help promote sanitation and effective waste management systems for boats. The company is driven to keep marine sea life safe, as well as in helping customers find more ways and solutions to make sure installations are fully in line with local regulations concerning discharge.


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