Great Advice From a 91-Year-Old Sailor From Your Boat Supply Store

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Your Boat Supply Store Company Tip of the Week

Raritan Engineering Company your boat supply store specialists would like to share with you these topics we thought would be of interest to you this month regarding some great advice from a 91-year-old sailor.

Your boat supply store experts know that Jim Boren is not your average 91 year old. A retired surgeon, and he’d still be practicing medicine, in a low-tech capacity, if they’d let him, “but nobody wants a 91-year-old doctor.”

He’s also an avid sailor. “Everybody aspires to be like Jim, but very few of us make it to that age,” says Tom Kuber.

“I got this Hunter 30 and the family threw me under the bus. My wife of 63 years, who is a good sailor in her own right, didn’t approve. She’s never been aboard the boat. But we laugh about it; she’s a good sport.”

Your marine ice makers experts were told that the idea was that he would sail the boat for one year, the year he was 90. He sailed all summer, single-handing the boat and racing. He is also able to store his boat quite efficiently.

Your Boat Supply Store Company Agrees With These Pointers

So last winter the boat was “Kuber-ized”—that’s Boren’s word. Kuber and a group of friends went shopping at the store and redid the bottom and Boren got a new set of sails.

You can find more information as well as get assistance on marine ice makers and on great advice from a 91-year-old sailor at Raritan Engineering.

Years ago, Boren taught his son Dick to sail and store a boat, and then he turned the helm over to him. “I’ve seen too many cases where the fathers never let the sons do anything and pretty soon the sons drift away. So I turned the helm over to him,” says Boren.

He recently solo sailed on Green Bay on his boat from his home base in Menominee, Michigan to Cedar River. Boren totaled over 176 miles of solo sailing around Green Bay, including trips to and from Menominee to Sister Bay, Wisconsin; Egg Harbor, Wisconsin; and Oconto, Wisconsin. Click here to view a map of Green Bay with Boren’s solo journey locations and see how many times he needed to supply and store his craft.

Boren says, “I’m going to keep on sailing. I have a rule that if I can’t get on and off the boat myself and supply my own boat, that’ll be the end of my sailing career.”

“You wouldn’t know he’s a day over 50 the way he lives,” says Kuber.

Boren’s advice for the next generation? “Don’t listen to anybody that says you are ‘too old to do that’ because assuming that you’re not goofy and not a threat to people, and you have the ability to supply control of your facilities. Stay active. You’ve got to keep on keeping on.”

So don’t forget these helpful tips from a successful 91-year-old sailor….1) don’t let anyone tell you you’re too old to sail; 2) you have to stay active and 3) you have to “keep on going”.

Raritan Engineering has more information on boat supply store, marine ice makers, marine parts depot and great advice from a 91-year-old sailor.

via Advice from a 91-Year-Old Sailor


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